Just as it was in 2020 proposed to treat the syndrome developed from Sars-CoV-2 virus infection, the Tenovin class of molecules is now being proposed again, based on a solid scientific literature, to combat the Dengue virus, responsible to date for more than 2 million victims in contagious in Brazil and in possible expansion, which could also touch Europe and Italy during the summer.
This is the original research article about the eradication of Sars-CoV-2 through inhibition of its replication, after administration of Tenovin-1:
EPOJ by Openventio Publishers:
DOI: 10.17140/EPOJ-5-119
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344906981_Halting_Coronavirus_Replication
Academia Letters: https://www.academia.edu/51525322/Halting_Coronavirus_Replication
DOI: 10.20935/AL2675
Tenovin is a class of small molecules, among them are of note: Tenovin-1 and Tenovin-6, the latter more effective in acting, but endowed with slightly more toxic action; this, in my research is preferred and used Tenovin-1.
Tenovin-1 is a SIRT1, SIRT2 inhibitor, p53 activator by preventing its degradation MDM2-mediated and with a little effect on p53 endogenous synthesis; it’s also a histone acetylation inhibitor, with a histone deacetylation effects, that counteracts the E3 ubiquin ligase (ZHCY-1 Zinc Ring Finger Chain 1) mechanism in which is involved by binding PL-PRO (Papaine-Like Pro), and exerts a very strong viral action, in addition to 3CL-PRO (3-Chymotrypsin-Like Protease) and Mpro (Main Protease), the active domains in Sars-CoV-2 and most harmful in spreading and severity of sympthoms manifested by patients.
Now, the agent Tenovin is proposed again in the main and first deployment was involved: treatment of Dengue fever virus.
This is the literature about Tenovin against Dengue virus:
Tenovin-1 inhibited dengue virus replication through SIRT2
Sirtuin Inhibitors Are Broadly Antiviral against Arboviruses
So, if Tenovin agent was ignored during Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, please to take into consideration now, with aim to avoiding the mass spreading of Dengue virus and potentially reinforcement of its viral load and lethality by each mutation cycle.
Thank you.
Dr. Kira Smith
MD, MSc in Experimental Medicine and Forensic Pathology
Novara (NO)
E-mail: girlboss@vendettacartel.com